What I do .
While a main part of my career is dedicated to research, I am deeply motivated to promote scientific literacy to students, teachers, and the general public, so that people can enhance their scientific understanding and, altogether, we can make a difference and make our way to a better world. I regularly participate in initiatives promoted to disseminate science to the regular public, such as ISPA Summer School (for high-school students); European Researchers’ Night; activities promoted by the National Network of Science Centers (Ciência Viva), directed to primary school students; seminars; interviews to Tv; among other invitations. I have also the privilege to collaborate in a project aiming to make a memorable contribution to every kids’ life, the KIDS DIVE project (www.kidsdive.pt).
14 Fev 2019, Ana Faria participou na 1ª palestra 2019 do Centro de Comunicação dos Oceanos, patrocinado pela Fundação Vodafone